
Tales are a good method to teach children since they are educative and entertaining.
Kids love storytelling, especially if someone important tells them like parents and teachers.
If they are in English, children enjoy them while they learn the language.
They are a good tool to keep children's attention, without distractions. It is important to tell them in a simple and clear way and with a good intonation so they will find it enjoyable and easy to understand.
In addition to storytelling at school, it is good to do it when children are upset as a way to relax them or before going to bed.

Benefits of telling children stories:

Storytellings with the intention of teaching a moral of life and instill some values

The liar Shepherd
This story is very educational for children to understand the value of sincerity, while they learn English and have fun.
It is the story of a sheperd who took care of his sheeps. Repeteadly, he pretend that there was a wolf and they were in danger. After spending several jokes on the villagers and worrying them, one day a wolf appeared and nobody believed him. Nobody came to help him and the wolf ate of his sheeps.
Moral: if you lie, nobody will believe you when you tell the truth. No one will trust you.

Terry, Yes you can!
It is an ideal story to motivate children, to get the necessary strength to dare something they fear and to make them aware that with effort and sacrifice anything can be achieved. 
It is very suitable for shy children or with some insecurity.

The Selfish Giant
It is an easy to read illustrated children's adaptation. It is a beautiful story to encourage generosity and concern for others in children.

A gift for mom

This story helps children to be imaginative and at the same time generous, to put themselves in the place of others. In addition, the end of the story shows that there are much more important things than material objects: love and details made with love.
A good idea to tell this story is to name the girl's gifts to the mother while you show a picture of each object to relate. The goal is to ensure that when children hear those words, they know how to recognize what it is without having to teach the object. 
We use the Total Physical Reponse method.

Little Red Riding Hood
The story of Little Red Riding Hood is one of the most popular among children. In addition to being very entertaining for them and encouraging them to take an interest in reading, it is a good way to warn children of the danger of talking to strangers.
A good mode to tell them is with the support of an apron, in this way children see how the action develops on the apron while you narrating and interacting with them.


Original ways of telling stories

I found this page and I find some ways of telling stories very interesting, such as the puppet technique, with shadows, or kamishibais ...
Above all, I have found a tactic curious that every day children throw objects that they like in a boat to later tell a story invented with those objects. It is a good way for everyone to collaborate and to be creative and imagine things. They have created very funny stories.

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